Wednesday, June 16, 2010

1st experience in Photography

Hi everyone,

Today on my b'day i thought of doing something innovative which will give me the infinity of satisfaction so thought of opening my new blog on Photography which is one of the creative hobbies.

When I was studying my bachelor's I also joined karate classes, where my mind flashed with my karate trainer's photography and his photographic sense;but then some how i got involved in studies and sideline my interest in it.

But then luckily my elder SISTER AND JIJJU encouraged me to do this activity again and this way some how it come in front place. People surrounded by me started encouraging for this as if they noticed this in me n then i even started realizing myself that i should give time for this.

And then my journey has begun on this road (Photography). I joined JJ Institute of applied Art for Basic photography course which again gave me tough competition to get admission in such an institute. I gave exam then cleared the entrance and interview. In this process i had an argument in fact a big fight with interview panel. I thought that they would eliminate me but i got admission in 1st batch which was very unexpected for me.

When i entered in 1st session of photography course, I didnt understand a single word n then felt as if i am a dumb. but then i happened to meet new people with same interest and with them i got to know new things about this field ...wasn't that Great ! Indeed that was.

It might surprise you to know that by profession i am a lecturer, and people always asked me why are you here? With a pleasant smile and a star of winkle in my eye. I lovingly answer " I likes it". :)

On the very 1st day i was unaware about the usage of light , how to hold camera and angle it, about the composition, but now i can say that i know about it.

I am not a great photographer . you can say an Amateur still stuck up in basics but want to explore photography with fullest. My aim is to open this blog to make people understand about photography from my eyes and from my experiments in this .... The way i look for it.

This is for everyone who close to me and close to photography . Can share their experiences and comments about it .

Will update the new topic and different experiences in outdoor and indoor photography.

Friends be supportive and be in touch for new topics and for new suggestions .


Trupti S.


  1. its a start. everything begins with a small step :-)
    all the best to you

  2. Its really a goody Hobby and since you entered in professional photography you can definately help the other amature photographer like me.

    All the Best ...

  3. Thank you all for the appreciation.will definitely look forward for new topics soon . :)

  4. All the best Trupti! I am sure you will do well!!
    Keep it up! :)

  5. hey deepa,

    all the very best...! I am always there to support u..!

  6. Hey Trupti,

    Wish u all the best..Keep learning n progressing in the field u love.

  7. @ jyoti, Sarvesh - thanx
    @ Priyanka - i know u r always with me :)
    @ manisha - thanx, i ll definitely try my best in this :)

  8. that's what we call a passion u kicked a sure shot career for ur passion i like it the most ...this is the uniquest blog i have seen normally people do poetry or prose ..all the best for ur passion i m sure i will learn a lot....

    thnx rohitash

  9. Thank you Rohitash ... will definitely add some new things on our blog
